Emerging in year 2019 AD in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada as a grind-infused blackened death metal act, Prophetic Suffering has undergone various forms leading up their debut release of dungeonous blasphemy - the Demonstration MMXXII demo tape released in late 2022 in conspiracy with Sentient Ruin. Perpetrating the visceral and oppressive soundscape of stripped-down barbaric riffing seen on their debut, the 4-piece is set to continue the senseless bludgeoning towards all of those who are found wandering their halls. The siege begun with the Demonstration MMXXII demo tape thus plunders forth, augmented and evolved in every sense possible by a besieging instinct of barbarism and complexity sharpened and weaponized over years of recluse research into the absolute weaponization of sound. Awaiting ahead of this path of destruction thus lies the singularity of all inevitability christened under the “Rivalry of Thyself” name, the band’s monstrous debut album begotten under the sign of animalistic dissonance, and destined to become the band’s crowing abomination.

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