The dark and obscure post-industrial bedlam of V:XII (pronounced and read “five twelve” - from Romans 5:12 of the New Testament) was first conceived in 2018 by long time Swedish experimental musician Daniel Jansson (also behind bands like Culted, Deadwood, Keplers odd etc), as a means to expand his dark sonic expression with a more beat-oriented and menacing approach to the Black/Death Industrial sub-genre compared to the more abstract and lengthy format of Deadwood. Taking inspiration from everything from Black Metal to Industrial bands spanning from Ministry, NIN and Skinny Puppy to Mz.412, Brighter Death Now and Trepaneringsritualen, Jansson started working on a new sonic canvas to summon an abhorrent and bludgeoning post-industrial specter of wretched incantations, crushing martial rhythmics and diseased ritualistic atmospheres. These bleak and perverse post-industrial conjurations conceived by Jansson soon began to assume a life of their own, deserving a dedicated project, and within a short period of time V:XII had became the main focus of Jansson. Thematically, V:XII examines and dissects both occult and political conspiracy theories, with an emphasis on the religious aspect of the conspiratorial mind. And with this conceptual backdrop to enhance and exalt the malevolence of the music V:XII started to grow into the entity it was meant to become. A punishing and disembodied sonic experience that must be suffered through to be appreciated. An auditory attack on the senses that bleeds you dry. The first album Rom, Rune and Ruin was released in 2020 and the self-released CTRL EP followed suit in 2021. V:XII’s monstrous new full-length album LU-CIPHER-SABBATEAN saw its wretched birth on Sentient Ruin Laboratories in spring 2023.