From the northewesternmost part of Africa, where the Atlas mountains rise and the Pillars of Hercules have been said to once tower over everything, hails an obscure and spectral black metal act whose universe is filled with impurity, overwhelming oppression and crushing darkness. Ayyur started as a one man concept in 2007 by the will of Angra Mainyu in Tunsia, and several session members have taken part in the project over the years, but the band's true nature remains elusive, its exotic and remote existence shrouded in mystery, and its essence to this day an ominous enigma which has faded in and out of human memory. Although exact information about the project cannot be found, Mainyu appears to be the only certain constant member throughout the project's history, and 2018 has been chosen by Mainyu as the year of Ayyur's return. To this end, he has summoned the aid of mysterious entity Dagon, and obtained the alliance of former Deathspell Omega member Shaxul to incarnate his vision as a recording three piece and complete Ayyur's return, embodied as an unholy blood oath to serve and nurture black metal in its most uncompromising and feral form. The result of Ayyur's long in the works awakening is a dark, solemn, and twisted work which glorifies black metal's most tumultuous and ravenous traits, while allowing its exotic and remote nature to leave its mark on the music and make it one with its birthplace, blessing a blood-soaked alliance made in equal parts of traditional and cold black metal nihilism, obscure spiritualism, and remote and isolationist hermitism.