Few entities in the avantgarde/experimental underground have been able to evoke vivid visions and sentiments of loss, immateriality, abandon, and boundless ritualistic immensity like San Francisco’s dark ambient-doom sorcerers Common Eider, King Eider. Birthed around the mid-two thousands in the wake of San Francisco’s collapsing psychedelic and art rock scene, and gravitating around the core values and aesthetics of San Francisco’s legendary Tumult and Aquarius Records strongholds, Common Eider, King Eider is an obscure congregation of veteran San Francisco sound sculptors who have established themselves as absolute leaders of the pack and unrivaled masters of creation when it comes to realm of the most darkened, immaterial, and cataclysmic sonic architecture that the human mind can fathom. Taking cues from revolutionary and mind-expanding artists like Lustmord, Throbbing Gristle, Wardruna, Dead Can Dance, Halo Manash, Arvo Part, and Sunn O))), through their levitating, soul-shattering, and black hole-sized ritualistic black ambience, Common Eider, King Eider have elevated themselves to the rank of near-mystical figureheads in the realm of modern times dark ambient and drone music.