DÉLIRANT | Thoughteater


DÉLIRANT | Thoughteater

from $5.00

Release date: February 14 2025
Catalog: SRUIN237
Genre: Black Metal
Format: full-length album
Versions: LP | CD | MC | Digital
Band Info

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DIE-HARD TEST PRESSING PACKAGE: two of only five made - available for sale here. Comes in a custom made black fold-over cover silkscreened with metallic gold ink. Hand-numbered and with all release info hand-written with metallic gold felt-tip pen, signed and stamped with the SR sigil in gold ink. Includes secret mystery silkscreened graphic inside.

VINYL: limited edition yellow galaxy colored vinyl (100 units worldwide - direct label retail item not wholesaled or distributed) or standard black vinyl inside a matte laminated sleeve with black flood inside the pocket, black poly-lined inner bags, matte insert and download card.

CD: limited edition digipak with clear tray.

CASSETTE TAPE: limited edition cassette tape with full color j-card and download card.

The re-emergence of Spain's black metal contortion Délirant from the depths of subconsciousness, reanimates the crawling ascent of mind and soul destruction through the medium of auditory disfigurement. Shrouded in dissonance and swathed in nightmares, "Thoughteater" is a sonic dissection of the abyss conceived by long running black metal recluse D.B. (also of Negativa and Hässlig). This sophomore full-length offering is a surreal descent into the darkest corners of the subconscious, the hypnagogic state, lucid dreaming, and deviant states of perception, achieved through the unorthodox but regal medium of twisting, dissonant black metal. Of the same abominable and shapeshifting breed as that wielded and perfected by acts like Blut Aus Nord, Akhlys, Deathspell Omega, Abigor And Mispyrming to harness superior realms of imaginative destruction and auditory deception, and which has redefined metal music in this peculiar form as an unparalleled vector for all-devouring musical surrealism. The obsession of becoming one with the void is the zenith of the work, its median and most abyssic turning point after the initial descent. Once the absolute depth of interior horror has been reached, the second half of the album unfolds embodied as a cathartic pilgrimage to seek the light through darkness, overcoming fear and doubt, anxiety and panic. In the grand masterplan of the album's deeply intimate and self-explorative nature, light and hope are contemplated, but absolutely crushing and abysmal realms of darkness and suffering must be endured before this re-emergence can be achieved, rendering "Thoughteater" essentially a personal expiation through the penitence of absolute torment.

Digital download included with the purchase of analog physical copies.
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