INFERNALIVM | Conquering the Most High


INFERNALIVM | Conquering the Most High

from $5.00

Release date: November 29 2024
Catalog: SRUIN234
Genre: Death Metal
Format: EP
Versions: LP | CD | MC | Digital
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VINYL: limited edition clear red single-sided colored vinyl with black silkscreen on the B-side (100 units worldwide - direct label retail item not wholesaled or distributed) or standard single-sided black vinyl with red silkscreen on the B-side inside a matte laminated sleeve with black flood inside the pocket, black poly-lined inner bags and download card.

CD: limited edition matte digipak CD with clear tray.

CASSETTE TAPE: limited edition cassette tape with full color j-card and download card.

The debut MLP from French satanic death metal horde Infernalivm, a new entity of absolute sonic brutality conceived from within the French orthodox satanic movement, and featuring members of its elite underground from bands like Novae Militiae, Merrimack, Benighted, and Ritualization. Through these four tracks of dark, sanguinary, and inescapable technical dark death metal tyranny, the specter of Immolation, Dead Congregation, Nile, Adversarial, Arkhon Infaustus and Morbid Angel is evoked with unseen mastery, while the genre’s mutated silhouette is at the same time disfigured and retraced within the novel realms of France’s most intransigent satanic inner circle, materializing nothing less than an authentic horror of creation. The result is a dissonant, bludgeoning beast seething with all the might and power of the antichrist. A dark and violent abomination with an immensely evil and antihuman atmosphere and an infernal aura casting massive, ominous shadows across the face of European death metal and sending a clear message on the magnitude of things to come.

Digital download included with the purchase of analog physical copies.
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