Once described by Fenriz of Darkthrone as "brilliant" and “taking the direction black metal SHOULD have in the 90s” - Spire emerged in Brisbane Australia from the cryptic minds of MR and VS over a decade ago. Ever shrouded in gloom and obscurity they released their first self-titled EP in 2010, a suffocating piece of ambient black metal that established them as a new rising force in their scene. Since then Spire has patiently and unwaveringly moved their sound into ever-increasing madness and unpredictability with a string of subsequent releases which have defied expectations at every turn. 2011 saw the birth of Spire's “Metaphorph” EP, a short piece of nihilistic insanity tainted with simmering violence, yet still drenched in the band’s signature near-tyrannical atmosphere. “Entropy”, the band's first full-length album released in 2016 by Iron Bonehead Productions took Spire even deeper into the depths of derangement, savagery and abstraction. The album stands as a showcase of the diversity of the band's style, ranging from eerie atmospheric instrumentals, to ferocious and unconstrained modern black metal, all the while accompanied by bestial screeches and meditative throat singing. Over the course of these releases, Spire shared the live stage with extreme metal heavy weights such as Blasphemy, Inquisition, Marduk, Batushka, and Portal. Since then the Void has remained still for four long years... until now. Enter Spire's second full-length epic “The Temple of Khronos” set for release in late 2020 via Sentient Ruin: the ultimate culmination of Spire’s spasmodic push toward and into unrestrained extreme metal futurism and ever-changing artistic delirium. A liturgy to Time itself…

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