HELL: Legendary US Sludge/Doom Master Reissues Debut LP "Hell I" on Vinyl in Collaboration with Sentient Ruin - Pre-orders Available.

We’re very honored to continue our long running collaboration with American doom metal master MSW and announce a partnership with his label Lower Your Head to reissue and distribute his legendary debut album HELL I on vinyl worldwide via all our channels. The new vinyl edition is collaborative repress between Lower Your Head and Sentient Ruin, presented as a limited edition black/red merge vinyl or standard black vinyl inside a reverse side printed sleeve, heavy art paper insert, download card, clear polyvinyl bag, hype sticker and download card. The recess also features a new graphic layout and new mastering from the original release.

The legendary release first saw the light in 2009 immediately establishing HELL as an unrivaled entity that would pick up the torch from bands like Moss, Burning Witch, Khanate, and Corrupted in proposing the most dismal, majestic and extreme forms of doom and sludge metal ever seen on earth therefrom. Heavily rooted in psychedelic music, drone, ambient and prog, HELL I bent those styles to serve the inner struggles of one’s personal hell, soon turning the feat into a monstrous and colossal hellscape devoted to the cult of ultimate misery and abandon. Torn between intimate contemplation, decaying beauty, seething hatred, hallucinatory dirges and hideous sonic tectonics, HELL immediately created an underworld of unparalleled evocative power where the plight of existence is metastasized into massive waves of amplifier terror and a crush-depth of feedback and sonic layerings of truly monstrous proportions.

The release also established the legacy of HELL, and particularly of its opening trilogy, being the first chapter in a series of three sequential and interconnected cornerstone masterworks of US sludge/doom, and was the first of the three to famously feature the Gustave Dore artwork from Dante’s Inferno masterwork.

HELL’s HELL I LP reissue is pre-orderbable now and slated to ship after June 27 2024. The release will also be available worldwide via all our distribution channels both in America and overseas.
