RITUAL ASCENSION: American Abstract Death-Doom Absurdists Announce Debut Full-Length Abomination "Profanation of the Adamic Covenant" - Track Premiered at Toilet Ov Hell.

We’re very proud and excited to rejoin forces with our kindred spirits again, as Members of Void Rot, Suffering Hour, and Aberration come together in Ritual Ascension, a horrendous sonic desecration decomposing death metal into a subsonic hallucinatory miasma, and deforming into a hideous disfigurement of its former self. Devoured in dissonance and shrouded in catacombal atmospheres, the band’s horrendous debut full-length monstrosity "Profanation of the Adamic Covenant" takes the masterful death-doom horror of early Temple Nightside and Grave Upheaval, and transfigures it further into the darkest abysses of surrealism.

The putrid behemoth-like debut monstrosity has been introduced by always attentive extreme metal blog Toilet ov Hell, who in premiering the colossal thirteen-minute closing track of the album, have remarked how “‘Kolob (At the Throne of Elohim)’will wrap its pitch-black tendrils around you and slowly crush you with exactly the expertise you’d expect given the project’s pedigree” - adding that the album is “brutally heavy and suffocatingly dark” and that “the band really stick to the ‘ritual’ part of their name”. You can check out the feature and track HERE.

Not dissimilar to an auditory experimental horror film or to a stripped down version of Portal playing experimental doom, the work traces the grotesque lineaments of a disfigured subterranean hellscape through a masterful use of surrealism, dissonance and compositional abstraction. Slow, crushing, atonal dirges alternate lumbering behemoth-like trudges and enigmatic tectonic upheavals that build an immense ominous aura as the album unfolds a dense, mephitic atmosphere draped in malevolent ambience. The album’s monolithic and agonizing crawl is then violently disrupted by onslaughts of wrathful disturbances, where bursts of demented blasting, tortured screams and mangled fretwork blindside the listener, casting them further down the abyss, into a bottomless sepulcher of confusion and of complete chthonic torment.

“Profanation of the Adamic Covenant” is scheduled for a February 28 2025 release via Sentient Ruin on LP, CD, MC, and digital formats worldwide, now all pre-orderable via all our channels.

Ritual Ascension coalesced around 2023 after Aberration completed their debut album. Three of its members (ex-Nothingness drummer E.C., Void Rot guitarist J.H. here also handing bass and lyrics, and bassist D.H. from Suffering Hour, here handling only vocals) reconvened to continue creating together and to keep pushing their deviant ideas forward. Initially a side project of truly grotesque lineaments began to take shape, but as things progressed, the members’ well established alchemy, vision, and experienced musicianship lead to the creation of an entirely new band under the name of Ritual Ascension, a vector for unseen auditory abominations expanding on the inspirational foundations laid by iconic Australian extreme doom bands like Temple Nightside, Disembowelment and Grave Upheaval. The defining aspect of the project thus became the slower and much more crushing and oppressive tempos of death-doom, while still retaining the dissonance and abstract songwriting approach from the original concept derived from Aberration. With five pachydermic tracks completed in 2024 and spread across an abysmal forty-seven running time, the band soon shaped their colossal debut full-length abomination, “Profanation of the Adamic Covenant”, an anti-religious, blasphemous, behemoth concept album dealing with some of the darkest and most sinister aspects in the history and theology of the so called Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (also known as the Mormon Church), and shaped by direct experiences by some of the band members themselves within said religious movement as well.
