NEKUS: German Sepulchral Death-Doom Lurkers Announce Colossal Sophomore Album "Death Apophenia" - Track Premiered at Decibel Magazine.

Finally, the German underworld lurkers of humongous subsonic death Nekus, return with "Death Apophenia", a death-scarred sonic interment into absolute subterranean torment, and their most lightless and catacombal statement to date. The colossal sophomore full-length entombment expands on the putrid and crushing heaviness of its critically acclaimed predecessor “Sepulchral Divination”, taking the band's formula of droning sepulchral death doom to its most inevitable and horrendous triumph yet.

The horrendous sonic suffocation has been teased by iconic extreme metal blog Decibel Magazine, who in premiering the track “Accursed Murmur“ have remarked how the song is “a pure death-doom nightmare“ that is “both power and atmosphere in equal measure” - you can check out the track and feature HERE.

With its forty-plus minute running time split up in just five pachydermic movements, "Death Apophenia" casts the listener down into an aphotic sunken abyss to be torn apart by immense tidal forces and crushed by catastrophic tectonic pressure. The band’s staple use of reverb to create immense, growling subterranean hallways reaches the pinnacle of its mastership, and so does their ability to construct humongously grotesque atmospheres that make the listener feel like they are being devoured by the earth and mummified alive. Tortured screams drenched in feedback and enormous and solemn sounding drum shells create a ritual-like telluric funeral march into the underworld, while slabs of inhumanly crushing and downtuned guitars bore a massive hole into the earth like molten lava melting the crust and sinking downward into the blackest chasm, evoking the sensation of an enormous, planet-sized horrendous burial taking place. Nothing can escape the sheer tonnage and crushing force of this immense sonic beast, and while Nekus are shown to be diligently delving further into the redefinition and delineation of their own personal idea of death metal as a monolithic and cinematic sentence to complete aural entombment, the comparisons to bands like Grave Upheaval, early Temple Nightside, Moss, Anatomia and The Funeral Orchestra, due to the surreal hideousness of the atmospheres and sheer heaviness of the music, will be many and not far from truth. 

"Death Apophenia" is slated for a November 15 2024 release worldwide via Sentient Ruin on LP, CD, MC and digital, and all formats are now preorderable via all our channels.

Nekus were formed by current and past members of Putridarium, Into Coffin, Hadit, Omnivore, and Bestial Warfare, among others, starting out as a trio in Marburg, Germany around 2018. The band was started by Italian musician G.N. on vocals and guitar, E. on bass, and M.K. on drums, emerging with a humongous sepulchral, bottom-caving sound blending black and death metal with crippling, slow-moving and insanely downtuned doom with massive atmospheres and a huge and crushing low end reminiscent of bands like Moss, Grave Upheaval and Sunn O))). Their uniquely horrific, rumbling and mummified sound first found expression on the “Death Nova Upon the Barren Harvest” debut EP issued in 2020 on all formats by Blood Harvest Records, being soon followed by the “Malevolence Evocations” split CD with Impure Declaration, released the same year by Old Temple.

The band then delivered over fifty minutes of catacombal and suffocating death-doom on “Sepulchral Divinations”, their 2023 critically acclaimed debut 2LP album for Sentient Ruin, which was then quickly again followed up by a ten-minute cassette tape split with Canadian war metal label mates Ceremonial Bloodbath. These two releases underlined the band’s evolving mastery of guitar, vocal, and drum reverb use, extremised to create a uniquely spectral and subterranean hellscape, evoking visions of monstrous caverns and hallways bellowing beneath the earth’s crust, and soon becoming the prime ingredient and concept of the band’s staple sepulchral sound. “Death Apophenia”, Nekus’ sophomore full-length album, will just as swiftly follow in November 2024, introducing the band now in a four-piece configuration with the addition of L.D. (from Putridarium and Barbaric Oath) assuming second guitar duties; a move wich further evolves the complexity and textural enormity of the band’s reverb-drenched, bottom-heavy onslought. But it’s not only the lineup expansion which also expands the band’s musical horizon and their capacity to truly build and consecrate their vision. “Death Apophenia” also represents a big step up for Nekus in recording value. A move which has refined and improved the band’s concept further by introducing an enhanced clarity and articulation in production quality, exalting further the cinematic quality of the band’s widescreen, otherworldly sound and of its mortieferous, crushing droning frequencies.

OBSOLETION: Brazilian Dark Hardcore Punk Cult Announce Grim Self-Titled Debut Full-Length Album - First Single Revealed at IDIOTEQ.

“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stomping on a human face, forever”...

These famous words by George Orwell set the tone and resound throughout the debut full-length album from Brazil's dark hardcore punk sect Obsoletion. A grim and foreboding crossover hybridization of blackened hardcore punk and primordial heavy metal drawing influences from bands like Cro-Mags, Integrity, Sheer Terror (from which the band took its name), Mayhem, Celtic Frost, Hellhammer, G.I.S.M., Carnivore and Possessed, and serving as a dismal soundtrack to a dark world that is rapidly deteriorating and just getting worse.

The crushing forthcoming hardcore omen has been teased by iconic punk and hardcore blog IDIOTEQ, who in presenting the first single “Interdimensional Chaos” have remarked how the album “captures the essence of a bleak reality teetering on the edge of collapse”, continuing that “the second track, ‘Interdimensional Chaos’, stands out as a powerful embodiment of this dystopian vision” and “serves as a sonic representation of the album’s themes—a harrowing blend of cyberpunk and occult imagery that feels as if it’s ripped from the pages of a dystopian novel. The track’s relentless riffs and brutal rhythms are like the soundtrack to a world where survival depends on a precarious balance between ancient magic and cutting-edge technology”. You can check out the feature and listen to the song HERE.

Indeed, the bleak and primeval self-titled assault masterminded by the São Paulo cult conjures shadows of a stark future dystopia and of sinister visions of fear, alienation and paranoia coming from within oppressive militarist technocracies and corrupt surveillance-states aiming for total social enslavement, while the natural world and man's last shreds of sanity revel and toil in a final battle for retribution and survival. The album's lyrics and its staggering retro-futurist art design (by Fernando Giotefeli, Jordy Kuster and José Vinícius) also explore concepts of magic and occultism from the 19th and 20th centuries, transfigured into present and future unrest, making themes such as cyborgism, post-humanism, and surveillance capitalism extremely relevant and ominous. The band's raw and gruesome riffs weaponize these themes and ignite the barricades, engulfing the listener in a maelstrom of tear gas, fire and shrapnel, compounding twenty minutes of wrath and refusal into a violent sonic cyberpunk epic that celebrates the glory days of US 80's and early 90's hardcore punk, thrash, death, black and heavy metal. 

Obsoletion’s self-titled debut album is slated for an October 11 2024 release worldwide via Sentient Ruin on vinyl, cassette and digital/streaming formats, along with an exclusive spread of on-demand merch, all of which are now pre-orderable via all our channels.

The blackened raw hardcore punk cult of Obsoletion emerged in São Paulo, Brazil, in the middle of 2018, formed by Zoio (guitar), Azt (bass), Flávio Barbosa (vocals) and Lucas Alonso (drums). This lineup recorded and released the band’s debut demo tape which was released in Brazil in 2019 by the Brazilian label Thinking Straight Records. The demo showcased a unique blend of dark and sinister sounds, ranging from US hardcore like Sheer Terror and Integrity, to evil heavy metal and punk in the vien of G.I.S.M. and Hellhammer, ultimately attracting the attention of Sentient Ruin who re-relased the cassette in the USA in 2022. Around this time original guitarist Zoio was replaced by new guitarist Nyne (Falsa Luz) and bassist Azt was replaced by new bassist Daniel 'Barizon' (Stomp and ex-Joker). Despite playing a successful string of dates, the new lineup however didn’t last long, and soon Nyne left allowing original guitarist Zoio to return, along with new second guitarist Filipe Maia now added into the fold. This revamped original lineup would then prepare the writing of recording of the band’s 2024 debut full-length self-titled album for Sentient Ruin. Uniting the Punk, Hardcore and Black Metal sounds and influences of bands like Sheer Terror (which also inspired the band's name), Darkthrone, Mayhem, Sodom, Agnostic Front, G.I.S.M., Cro-Mags, Integrity, Celtic Frost and Hellhammer, Obsoletion are purveyors of a dystopian dark world ruled by violence and greed. After the original lineup was reunited and expanded, the band’s concept began to evolve into increasingly complex and dark territories, touching on themes of political pessimism, dystopian science fiction, and rogue capitalism, with the sound following suit, and becoming increasingly ominous and bleak, and paving the way for a rebirth and new era for the band symbolized and represented by their 2024 self-titled debut full-length album to be released in October 2024 worldwide by Sentient Ruin.

WRAHHA: German Black/Death Metal Terror Cult Emerges With Pulverizing Debut Demo Tape "Harbingers of a Horrid Cleansing" - Track Premiered at Antichrist Magazine.

We’re proud to announce a new partnership with emerging German black/death metal terror cult Wrahha. Hailing from Leipzig, Germany, Wrahha is the spiritual successor to the defunct Leipzig-based bestial Black Death cult Lihhamon, which existed briefly between 2015 and 2017. Wrahha is spearheaded by Lihhamon guitarist M., and new co-conspirators P. and F., continuing the previous band's unholy campaign down the path of omnipotent destruction and absolute sonic bedlam.

Wrahha's three inaugural tracks forming the debut "Harbingers of a Horrid Cleansing" demo tape here presented are a weaponized instrument of terror that in a bare ten minutes tests the limits of human resistance taking it to its bloodiest breaking point. The three tracks bring forth an unprecedented audial assault channeling the cruelty and mercilessness of black/death cults like Revenge, Diocletian and Heresiarch, while establishing Wrahha as a violent means of transcendence in its own right, not one who will ever follow in anyone's steps, but rather one meant to forge its own destiny and self-determination in crushing tyranny and cast its own destructive shadow across the path of anything or anyone who dare to oppose.

"Harbingers of a Horrid Cleansing" demo tape’s imminent arrival has now been teased by European extreme metal blog Antichrist Magazine, who have premiered the track “Totalitarian Crucifixion Rite“ - you can check out the feature and listen to the track HERE.

As its title suggests, this demo tape release is like an omen or harbinger of Wrahha's horrid aural atrocity awaiting ahead in the form of the band's upcoming debut full-length, which will be a concept album about gaining and losing power. This demo is loosely based around the same theme. With "Berserker Elite...." the band depicts the mythos of the infamous frenzied warriors who went into battle in a trance before the regular troops, like harbingers of what is about to come. "Totalitarian Crucifixion Rite" is about the concept of maintaining power through terror, which in the end leads always to downfall. While the final song "Imperious Mastery..." introduces the theme of overthrowing and cleansing a totalitarian regime, as happened for example during the trials of Nurnberg, where the foundations and vestiges of the old ideology were denied and erased to build something new.

The "Harbingers of a Horrid Cleansing" demo tape will be officially released on September 20 2024 by Sentient Ruin in America in collaboration with AbArt Corruption for Europe

Wrahha emerged in Leipzig, Germany, from the ashes of praised bestial black/death metal force Lihhamon, who in a span of 2-3 years had produced the seminal 2016 debut full-length album “Doctrine” (which was later reissued by Nuclear War Now! Productions), and the “Miasmal Coronation” split 12” with I I, which was published by Ván Records the following year. Shortly after Lihhamon dissolved, guitarist M. set out to establish a spiritual successor for the band, which would retain its audio-visual attack while developing the concept and music further, much like Revenge had become for Conqueror or Triptykon for Celtic Frost. The lineup for Wrahha was consolidated into the same configuration of Lihhamon, as a trio, featuring M. on guitars and vocals (previously also in Omnivore), P.: (ex-Mutilated Remains) on drums, and bassist F., who had recently emigrated to Germany from Damascus in Syria, where he had his own studio called “Old Hearth”, and was responsible for a lot of extreme metal recordings from Syria, as well as taking part in many bands from the country like Eulen, Abidetherein, Viieden, Netherion and many more. With a consolidated lineup, a name, an idea, and a vision, the three set out to give life to the bestial aural assault of Wrahha, an abysmal terrorscape influenced by acts like Diocletian, Conqueror, Heresiarch, Damaar, Truppensturm, Teitanblood, Impetous Ritual, and Axis of Advance that will see its first light in September 2024 with the release of the “Harbingers of a Horrid Cleansing” demo tape while the band hammers away at what will soon become their first ever official debut full-length album to be released in a near future to come.

S.H.I.: Sentient Ruin Announces CD and Cassette Editions for Full Length Albums by Japanese Experimental Hardcore Act Featuring Members of ZOUO - Pre-orders and Full Streams Available.

We're extremely proud to announce CD and cassette reissues for "死" and "4Death", the (only) two game-changing full-length albums from Japanese experimental hardcore/metal/industrial supergroup collective S.H.I. (Struggling Harsh Immortals) both of which finally find a worldwide release for the first time ever via Sentient Ruin on CD and cassette tape formats. The two reissues are a mandatory spiritual mission for Sentient Ruin to reconsecrate two of the most visionary, devastating, and overlooked Japanese hardcore releases of the past decade.

"死" was initially released back in 2015 as a full-length compilation of the band's first two EPs (2013's self-titled 7" and the 2014 follow up "Lucifer Rising" 7", both released by Crust War in Japan) at first appearing on CD format in Japan through Black Lodge Records, then on tape in Australia in 2016 via NGM Records, and finally on picture disc vinyl in the US in 2022 on Anti Remorse.

The followup full-length "4 Death" on the other hand finally finds its first release on CD and cassette tape ever via Sentient Ruin, after its original 2021 release on vinyl via Relapse Records.

Masterminded by legendary vocalist and performance artist Katsunori "Cherry" Nishida of Japanese hardcore and heavy metal cults Zouo and Danse Macabre, and co-conspired with other long running members of the Japanese experimental punk and metal underground coming from bands like Nashi, Outo, Mobs, The Rude Boys, Gewalt and Rise from the Dead (among others), S.H.I. construct a majestic syncretism of violence and experimentation by fusing hardcore punk, heavy metal, noise rock, industrial and psychedelia into an unseen demolition of reality. "死" and "4 Death" represent the transfiguration and perfect continuation of Nishida's enigmatic and uncompromising vision into the future, carrying Zouo's and Danse Macabre's bludgeoning and caustic torch into the experimental unknown as a violent and bleak means of transcendence. The two albums stand stark, enigmatic and imposing as a dark and death-scarred psychedelic trip into Japan's iconic and most deviant underground fringes of hardcore punk, metal, noise, and industrial, perfectly following in the steps of many legendary Japanese experimental violent acts like Zeni Geva, Crow, and G.I.S.M. as well as in those of iconic international acts like Killing Joke, Neurosis, Voivod, Amebix, Galloping Coroners, SWANS and Discharge, who in the early 80's had laid the groundwork for visionary crossroads of aggression and experimentation through the hybridization of punk, metal, psychedelia and industrial to devastating, history-changing effects. 

S.H.I. emerged long after the dissolution of Zouo and Danse Macabre, around 2010, remaining active until present. During these years the band has ransacked Japan with incendiary live shows, sharing the stage with the likes of Acid Mother's Temple, Doom, Sabbat, S.O.B., Framtid, Death Side, Endon, Unholy Grave, Gauze and more, becoming (in)infamous throughout the country for their chaotic and unpredictable blend of heavy metal, punk and electronics and their multi-member ensemble presence onstage which have cemented the band’s visionary and confrontational formula and consecrated them as one of the most pummeling and mind-expanding acts in Japan since the demise of Zeni Geva.

"死" and "4Death", CDs, cassette tapes, and digital products are slated for a simultaneous August 20 2024 release worldwide through Sentient Ruin, and all products can now be pre-ordered and streamed via all our channels.

MIASMA OF OCCVLT LIMBS: Chilean One-Man Death-Doom Enigma Announces First Ever Physical Release of Crushing 2023 Debut Album "Occulta Caerimonia Putridum" - Pre-orders and Full Stream Available.

We’re proud to announce a partnership with Chilean recluse R. Myiasis, a multi-instrumentalist from Talca, Chile, who’s latest death-doom abomination under the cryptic moniker of Miasma of Occvlt Limbs, is getting a first ever vinyl release for its first ever full-length album, 2023’s "Occvlta Caerimonia Putridvm". The vinyl release is slated for an August 16 2023 release and is available now as pre-order, as well as digitally in its entirety, via all our channels.

The wretched birth of mysterious chilean death-doom enigma Miasma of Occvlt Limbs is an experience to behold, and an abomination entirely unto its own. The band's death-devoured debut full-length album titled "Occvlta Caerimonia Putridvm" was silently digitally released on Bandcamp by sole mastermind Myiasis in early 2023 going virtually ignored, as sadly happens all too often to South American extreme metal, notoriously to the contrary a perpetual source of marvel and wonder when it comes to the most unique and obscure crafts of dark and deviant extreme music. With no exception to this tradition "Occvlta Caerimonia Putridvm" immediately self-identified itself as an unmistakable gem of Chilean extreme metal, unfolding a foul masterclass of utterly horrific and putrescent drone-infused death-doom. A crypt-born abomination of immense subsonic death metal dripping with filth and riddled with decay. Death-obsessed and reeking in putrefaction, "Occvlta Caerimonia Putridvm" sees Miasma of Occvlt Limbs slow down the meters of Incantation's putrid death metal even further, reaching the abysmal dimensions of Disembowelment where space is consequently created by the arbitrary stretching of tempos and the songs turn into a widescreen panoramic canvas primed for experimentation. It is in this state of slow-crawling, agonizing filth that Miasma of Occvlt Limbs reaches the zenith of its death-scared triumph, as visions of rotting sepulchers and decaying remains are conjured with horrendous mastery. And as the listener is subjected to this foul descent into the catacombs, the agony slows further, seemingly never-ending, as light fades from above and the scent of death becomes as thick as magma. In this twilight zone of benthic decaying horror, Miasma of Occvlt Limbs touches the depths and surrealism of Sunn O))) as marked drone and funeral doom segments hold the listener even longer frozen in terror as the nightmare unfolds seemingly without end, making "Occvlta Caerimonia Putridvm" without a doubt one of the most underrated, enigmatic and evocative pieces of necrotic death-doom conceived (and then criminally overlooked) in 2023.

Miasma of Occvlt Limbs is yet another solo endeavor by prolific Chilean recluse R. Myiasis, a lone wolf multi-instrumentalist who’s recorded output spans the entire spectrum of the extreme metal abyss, from goregrind to black metal, to death and doom metal, and which keeps evolving into uncharted territory to this day. Miasma of Occvlt Limbs is another hideous manifestation of Myiasis’ exploration into the abyss; a suffocating, aphotic descent into the nethermost realms of death-doom. The project first emerged in 2021 with the “Recollection of Impure Remains” digital single which was followed up in 2023 by the “Occulta Caerimonia Putridum” full length album, a half-hour long slab of putrid and morbid death-doom comprising of two monstrous tracks following in the steps of Disembowelment and Incantation, and of a droning five-minute long extreme doom interlude descended directly from the legacy of Sunn O))). The unprecedented release made waves in the Chilean underground, a favorite of Sentient Ruin toward which the label’s ear is always turned, and which resulted in the inevitable allegiance between Myiasis and the label to have the colossal opus released on vinyl format for the first time ever in summer 2024.

CLAN DOS MORTOS CICATRIZ: Brazilian Death-Punk Cult Release Remastered Discography Vinyl Compilation Via Sentient Ruin - Full Stream and Pre-Orders Posted.

We’re proud to announce“Débil”, a glorious and sprawling remastered discography vinyl compilation covering the entire release history of one of Brazil's most definitive dark punk bands, conceived and envisioned side-to-side by Sentient Ruin with the band as an omen of more, and greater, things to come from our partnership. With “Débil” Clan Dos Mortos Cicatriz condense a fifteen-year career influenced by the darkest sides of punk and hardcore as well as by crust, Oi!, goth, deathrock, post-punk, and black metal, into twenty eight-song triumph of crepuscular and cemeterial death-punk majesty. Riddled with a tangible sense of loathing and malaise, these twenty eight tracks encapsulate the history of a band influenced by acts Black Flag, Misfits, G.I.S.M., Void, Christian Death, Rudimentary Peni, and Hellhammer as they revel in the most remitted and destitute declinations of punk, digging deep into the most skeptical underworld of the genre devoid of idealism and dominated instead by pessimism and negativity. Despite being an experimental act with some digital releases exploring side-genres like noise, ambient and avantgarde, this staggering forty-six minute anthology remastered by Will Killingsworth contains all the strictly-punk tracks published by the band so far, covering the band's short 2017 self-titled debut album (which was re-recorded by the band in 2022), the subsequent "Febril" and "Febres Intermitentes" mini-albums from 2018 and 2019 respectively, as well as the recent 2022 "Senil" EP. All the tracks display Clan Dos Mortos Cicatriz's superb raw death-punk craftsmanship and their strict adherence to the golden eras of all the main styles which influenced them, with simple, short, necrotic and demented-sounding songs seething with grimness and filth and characterized by vocalist Felipe Soares' enigmatic lamented vocals and thought provoking lyrics in Portuguese telling disheartening tales of endless personal decay, struggle, disease, loss, misery and failure. 

Brazil’s definitive (and only?) nekro-punk band. Hailing from Curitiba, Brazil, the band’s origins can be traced as far back as 2005 when the name was used for a recluse solitary noise/experimental solo endeavor of vocalist Felipe Augusto Soares, primarily influenced by Merzbow and other ambient and experimental acts from the 90’s. This era of the band was mainly slow moving and a far inbetween bedroom project of Soares, leading to an obscure debut demo released in 2005, followed by a split release with Pathétique Poupée in 2011, and a CD-R split with Alkmorhilyion on Glossolalia Records in 2012, though musically the band was still strictly a solo ambient/noise act of Soares throughout all those years and sparse recorded output. The band’s identity changed when Soares teamed up with friend, sound engineer and multi instrumentalist Michael Wilseque. The endeavor with Wilseque was supposed to be a new project entirely, but around the same time as the two teamed up to work on something new, Soares decided to end his solo noise activities to refocus only on the new band with Wilseque, and brought his old noise act’s name with him, thus naming the new band with Wilseque, Clan Dos Mortos Cicatriz.

As a duo using Soares’ old noise act’s name, the two musicians began to work with more conventional instrumentation and delve more into a more raw punk/black metal style which was gradually refined into an accomplished hardcore project. A necrotized form of cemeterial punk with a uniquely diseased and pessimistic aura and a minimalistic, yet highly refined songwriting style. Soares’ and Wilseque’s two-man collaboration as a studio-only harcore band proved fruitful and a first self-titled debut release surfaced in 2017 as the band’s first ever release under its new punk incarnation. While still underdeveloped and embryonal, this release introduced the sound that would define the band thereafter: an agonizing and demented form of raw punk and minimalistic black metal influenced by bands like Black Flag, Misfits, G.I.S.M., The Stalin, Void, Christian Death, Rudimentary Peni, and Hellhammer, with Soares’ unique lamented and anguished vocals adding a peculiar vibe to the songs.

With the band’s music morphing into a more defined and approachable style, the desire and need for a live lineup arose, which soon led to bassist and drummer Ênio and Weliton joining the band to complete the band’s lineup and creating optimal conditions for the first live gigs in the band’s hometown. The new lineup also began fleshing out more songs for future releases which led to the release of the subsequent "Febril" and "Febres Intermitentes" EPs from 2018 and 2019 respectively, as well as the more recent 2022 "Senil" EP which surfaced after an obligatory COVID pandemic-induced band hiatus. These three short releases proved crucial in the band’s development, reinforcing their multi-member alchemy and completing their current form as a visionary dark hardcore punk band, after years of struggling to “find themselves” as a recluse experimental duo using drum machines and other rudimentary and limited means of self-expression. The three releases showed a marked progression in every direction imaginable: from the songwriting, to the production value (still all handled by the band in a DIY fashion), to Soares’ vocals now becoming as primeval, schizoid and feral as ever.

The marked progression from their 2017 debut inspired the band to re-record the self-tilted work with the band’s current new sound, its completed lineup, and Soares’ more developed and personal vocal approach, culminating in a second self-titled release which saw the light also in 2022. This in turn led Clan Dos Mortos Cicatriz to find themselves with a considerable discography of coherent, transformative and imaginative punk songs with a strong sense of uniformity and uniqueness, despite them being mostly digital-only or out of print tape releases split up among several short players. Around this time the band’s “Senil" EP and the re-recorded self-titled MLP came across Sentient Ruin’s desk and an idea instantly struck of having all these highly convergent yet fragmentary punk releases conjoined into one celebratory compilation retrospective to immortalize the band’s newfound identity as one of Brazil’s most promising and exciting hardcore acts.

All their purely non-experimental punk tracks from "Febril" , "Febres Intermitentes" , Senil" and their re-recorded debut release were thus handed over to Will Killingsworth of Dead Air Studios in the US to be remastered into the glorious 28-track, 46-minute 12” vinyl anthology compilation “Débil”, released in summer 2024. Meanwhile the band’s quest for unearthing even further sickening and diseased pathways into punk’s darkest and most transcendental realms had not relented, and fifteen more brand new songs were crafted after the “Senil" EP toward the band’s most towering and definitive work yet: their official debut full-length album titled “Técnicas de morte”, to be released in late 2024 also via Sentient Ruin Laboratories.

MAUDISSEZ: Cryptic French Extreme Sludge/Doom Heretics Issue Monstrous 2023 Debut Self-Titled Album on Vinyl via Sentient Ruin - Pre-orders and Full Stream Available.

We’re extremely proud to announce the first ever vinyl release for the debut monstrosity by cryptic French blackened nekro-doom and death-sludge heretics Maudissez; a grueling slab of utter nihilism and misanthropy vomited straight from the black abyss of the blindest religious darkness.

The hideous release is streamable in full everywhere and now available for pre-order via all our direct retail and channels and distribution as a limited edition bone white clear colored vinyl (100 units worldwide - direct label retail item not wholesaled or distributed) or standard black vinyl inside a reverse printed sleeve with black flood inside the pocket, and download card. An exclusive on-demand DTG printed tee shirt is also available as well a single rare test pressing for sale.

Nothing is known about this band, aside from this gut-wrenching, tomb-like, subsonic aural profanation against all catholic scum which was recorded live in a church in France sometime in 2023 as a horrendous desecration ritual against the repugnant existence of organized christian clergy. The putrid offering was then self-released by the band digitally on Bandcamp and on cassette, before ending up in an inevitable unholy pact with Sentient Ruin to have the heretical onslaught spread to a wider audience for the first time ever on vinyl format. An implausible crossway of sorts between bands like Corrupted, Hell, Primitive Man, Dragged Into Sunlight and Gnaw Their Tongues, the enigmatic band's peculiar self-described anti-christian blackened sludge/death-doom displays an abysmal atmosphere shrouded in dissonance and a nekro-fucked audio quality reminiscent of raw punk and raw black metal, but with a massive bottom-caving low end, and absolutely smothering and crushing levels of heaviness. An utter abomination conceived as a vessel of encompassing auditory torment for Maudissez to perpetrate their enigmatic mission of appropriately denying, insulting and crushing the most laughable religion of all time through a wretched defilement of absolute, slow-moving sonic nihilism.

Maudissez’s debut self-titled album has a vinyl shipping street date of July 5 2024.

HELL: Legendary US Sludge/Doom Master Reissues Debut LP "Hell I" on Vinyl in Collaboration with Sentient Ruin - Pre-orders Available.

We’re very honored to continue our long running collaboration with American doom metal master MSW and announce a partnership with his label Lower Your Head to reissue and distribute his legendary debut album HELL I on vinyl worldwide via all our channels. The new vinyl edition is collaborative repress between Lower Your Head and Sentient Ruin, presented as a limited edition black/red merge vinyl or standard black vinyl inside a reverse side printed sleeve, heavy art paper insert, download card, clear polyvinyl bag, hype sticker and download card. The recess also features a new graphic layout and new mastering from the original release.

The legendary release first saw the light in 2009 immediately establishing HELL as an unrivaled entity that would pick up the torch from bands like Moss, Burning Witch, Khanate, and Corrupted in proposing the most dismal, majestic and extreme forms of doom and sludge metal ever seen on earth therefrom. Heavily rooted in psychedelic music, drone, ambient and prog, HELL I bent those styles to serve the inner struggles of one’s personal hell, soon turning the feat into a monstrous and colossal hellscape devoted to the cult of ultimate misery and abandon. Torn between intimate contemplation, decaying beauty, seething hatred, hallucinatory dirges and hideous sonic tectonics, HELL immediately created an underworld of unparalleled evocative power where the plight of existence is metastasized into massive waves of amplifier terror and a crush-depth of feedback and sonic layerings of truly monstrous proportions.

The release also established the legacy of HELL, and particularly of its opening trilogy, being the first chapter in a series of three sequential and interconnected cornerstone masterworks of US sludge/doom, and was the first of the three to famously feature the Gustave Dore artwork from Dante’s Inferno masterwork.

HELL’s HELL I LP reissue is pre-orderbable now and slated to ship after June 27 2024. The release will also be available worldwide via all our distribution channels both in America and overseas.