We’re proud and absolutely ecstatic to partake in the official and unforgettable birth of Oakland black/death metal plague wielders Dearth, local dearest friends of this label who’ve been a cornerstone and bastion band of the Bay Area extreme metal underground for many years. After the band has spent the last couple years of its existence diligently crafting what will soon become their introduction to the world, we can finally unveil their long awaited and highly anticipated first full-length album "To Crown All Befoulment", a sonic reign of terror clawing deep into the most wretched, abominable, and hideous realms of human nature. The hideous monster of an album is scheduled for a June 19 2020 release on vinyl, digital and tape, and will surely be one of the most intimating and uncompromising displays of aural terror to see the light all year.
Decibel Magazine has been kind enough to give and introduction to the pandemonium to come via an exclusive stream of the track “Death Sown In Polluted Soil”, commenting that “Dearth lull you into a false sense of security on ‘Death Sown in Polluted Soil’, or at least its opening. It’s ominous but not directly threatening until the strings bend and the latter portion of their black/death cocktail explodes.“ - you can check out their feature and the track HERE.
Nihilistic beyond comprehension and sonically devastating, on the crushing debut LP Dearth explore incomprehensible thresholds of disgust and abjection through a sonic arsenal f“ - you can check out their feature and the track HERE.
Nihilistic beyond comprehension and sonically devastating, on the crushing debut LP Dearth explore incomprehensible thresholds of disgust and abjection through a sonic arsenal forged deep into in the most tormented circles of hell, unleashing a cataclysm of dark death metal horror that will leave the listener scarred and ravaged. Thorough an inescapable maze of oppressive death metal riffs and malefic atmospheres, the Oakland death-bringers have drawn influence from extreme metal titans like Dead Congregation, Deathspell Omega, Lucifyre, Demoncy, and Peseudogod to assemble a mortal weapon of mass extermination that symbolizes and glorifies the complete and implacable eradication of humanity in its every form and manifestation.
Oakland’s Dearth appeared in the Bay Area’s extreme metal undreground around 2016, coalescing around members from local extreme metal deviants like Xenotaph, Torture Chamber, Dead Man, Swamp Witch, and Funeral Chant who wanted to explore an abominable syncretism between the ugliness and surrealism of French black metal, the power and chaos of the darkest strains of death metal, and conceptual lyricism and symbolism dealing with transcendental misanthropy, metaphysical nihilism and total inhumanity. The band debuted in 2017 with a debut tape EP released by Transylvanian Tapes which already put on full display their monstrous sound made of a cascading wall of bludgeoning death metal riffs draped in malefic and sickening black atmospheres borrowed directly from the fringe outer limits of the most tortured french black metal. Following their debut tape release the band lay mostly dormant playing locally only sporadicly and hammering away at what would become “To Crown All Befoulment”, their monstrous 2020 debut album for Sentient Ruin. With a sound both reminiscent of dark death metal monsters like Dead Congregation, Lucifyre, and Pseudogod, and of extreme black metal entities like Deadthspell Omega, Aosoth, and Anteus, with To Crown All Befoulment Dearth have levitated from the depths of hell and spread the enormous wings of a sonic holocaust of unseen dread and destructiveness, claiming their rightful place at the very center of contemporary blackened death metal transformation, and adding their own inestimable touch to a transformative and ever changing syncretism of styles which is in constant motion and evolution.
You can now pre-order digital, tape and vinyl products of To Crown All Befoulment via our shop and Bandcamp.